Splash Hydrotherapy - Benefits
Hydrotherapy is one of the oldest forms of treatment, some experts state that a 5 minute swim is equivalent to a 20 minute walk for a dog.
Exercising in a warm water (27-30’ C) controlled environment can have many benefits, some of which are:
Non weight baring exercise
Stress free support to joints and muscles
Reduces stiffness in the joints
Improves circulation
Relaxes the muscles
Anti inflammatory reliefs pain, reduces swelling
Build muscle tone
Improves agility
Improves general well being
Hydrotherapy can also help with a wide range of conditions such as:
Pre and Post surgery conditions
Weight loss ( as part of a controlled diet)
Hip and elbow dysplasia
Soft tissue injuries
Muscle spasm/weakness/strains
Cruciate ligament
Or just for fun and general well being
Come for a fun swim
Your dog does not need to suffer from a condition to warrant a swim Hydrotherapy is a brilliant form of exercise for your dog to help maintain its fitness level. Coming for a swim is also fantastic mental stimulation we have lots of toys making a swim a great treat for your canine companions.